We are Glad You're Here

Mission & Vision


The Mission

At Pray Without Ceasing Global Ministries, our heartfelt mission is to bring people from all walks of life together through the simple yet profound act of prayer. We believe in the power of continuous, compassionate prayer to create a global family, nurturing love, understanding, and positive change in every corner of the world.

The Vision

We exist to spread compassion and love through the universal language of prayer. Our purpose is to create a global community where everyone feels seen, heard, and supported. Together, we strive to make a positive impact on individuals and communities worldwide, radiating the warmth of heartfelt prayers to every corner of the globe


At Pray Without Ceasing Global Ministries, we believe:

•Power of Prayer (Philippians 4:6-7): In the transformative and healing strength of prayer, fostering miracles, signs, and wonders.
•Unwavering Faith (Hebrews 11:1): A steadfast faith in the goodness of humanity and divine guidance.
•Global Unity (Colossians 3:14): Prayer transcends boundaries, uniting a global community in shared life experiences.
•Compassion in Action (Matthew 25:35-40): Our faith compels us to express compassion through kindness, justice, and service.
•Continuous Spiritual Growth (2 Peter 3:18): Embracing an ongoing journey of spiritual development through prayer and support.
•Legacy of Impact (Galatians 6:9): Committed to leaving a lasting legacy of change, inspiring a world marked by love.

In embodying these beliefs, we draw inspiration from the Bible, aiming to be a source of divine connection, inspiration, and spiritual nourishment for all.