We are Glad You're Here


For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

- Matthew 6:21

Why we give.

"We give because it is an expression of our faith and a reflection of God's abundant love. In giving, we embody the spirit of selflessness and compassion, recognizing that our resources are a means to bring positive change to the lives of others. As Pray Without Ceasing Global Ministries, we believe in the power of collective generosity to create a ripple effect of hope and transformation. Giving is not merely a financial transaction; it is an act of love, solidarity, and an investment in the shared journey of continuous prayer. Together, our giving becomes a testimony to the boundless love of God, reaching far beyond ourselves and making a lasting impact on the global community we serve."

Ways To Give

Give Online

Simply follow the prompts to make a one-time or recurring donation using your credit/debit card. Your financial support is instrumental in sustaining our virtual ministry and reaching more lives with the power of continuous prayer.

Give Cashapp 

For a quick and convenient option, support us through Cash App. Our Cash App handle is $PWCGM. Open the Cash App, enter your desired contribution, and use our handle to send your donation. Your generosity through Cash App directly contributes to creating a global sanctuary for spiritual growth and healing.

Give in Person

If you prefer to give in person, we welcome your support at our physical events.  Reach out to our team for details on how to contribute in person, and connect with our community firsthand. Your in-person contributions play a crucial role in fostering a sense of togetherness within Pray Without Ceasing Global Ministries.

Your support, regardless of the method, is integral to sustaining and expanding our ministry. Thank you for partnering with us in spreading the transformative power of continuous prayer globally!

Have questions or need help?

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.